I was able to see and play with all of my nieces. I never imagined that being an uncle would be so amazing. No, I don't have children of my own, but it's just crazy to interact with the children of my siblings! It's just so neat.
I was telling my Mom about a movie that my former Literature teacher recommended. It's an Italian-made film called Life is Beautiful. Mom got so excited because they had just borrowed the movie from Aunt Lil and had watched it and loved it and were excited to share it with me. That was neat -staying up with Mom and Jim to watch a movie until midnight on a Saturday night. We never did that when I was living at home, but here I was watching a movie, late at night with my 12-year-old brother and my Mom. Isn't that what college kids do? Apparently cool Moms do it, and allow their 12-year-old to do it too. She's not like other Moms; she's a cool Mom! (Alicia, you know what I'm talking about. Oops! I did it again! I poked my cyber-finger at her! She told me not to! It's rude to point, I know. Sorry.)
I can totally recommend this movie. It's a film about the Holocaust of WWII, so don't expect it to be completely happy or pleasant, but it is worth seeing. Heck, it's worth buying. I know I'm looking for it now. I can say that it's the most cheerful of all Holocaust films I've seen. I'm looking forward to a second viewing of it so I can glean more of the detail out.
I also had the chance to go put the calves into the corral down on the farm. That's right. I had no change of clothes. Wearing my Italian made Bruno Falconi shoes, I went out chasing cattle on foot through the dust, cowpies, and gravel. When you pay six dollars at Savers for such a pair of shoes, they somehow become more wearable, even in the messiest of situations.
Friday night, ---well, heck. I guess I should apologize. I'm telling stuff all sort of jumbled and out of order and, umm, conglomerated. I hope this proves more fascinating than irritating for my readers.
Friday night, my Literature instructor from EAC was in Flagstaff, and her daughter sent me a text saying, "My Mom wants to swing by and say hi. Cool?"
So how great does an instructor have to be to want to swing by a former student's bachelor pad and sit down for a visit? I love it. And since I'm a nut for literature and movies, we always have so much to talk about. This was seriously one of those moments in life where I felt like, "Okay, there are some great people in this world full of bean-heads. Mrs. David is awesome."
Friday night, my Literature instructor from EAC was in Flagstaff, and her daughter sent me a text saying, "My Mom wants to swing by and say hi. Cool?"
So how great does an instructor have to be to want to swing by a former student's bachelor pad and sit down for a visit? I love it. And since I'm a nut for literature and movies, we always have so much to talk about. This was seriously one of those moments in life where I felt like, "Okay, there are some great people in this world full of bean-heads. Mrs. David is awesome."
And upon leaving, she said, "If you're ever down in Safford, drop by and see us."
I guess English and Literature lovers who are also somewhat normal people have to cling to quality comradery when we find it. Otherwise we'd live very secluded lives, a bore to our friends and acquaintences, our enthusiasm confined to blog pages. I'm lucky to have a sister who relates to me in this aspect.
I guess English and Literature lovers who are also somewhat normal people have to cling to quality comradery when we find it. Otherwise we'd live very secluded lives, a bore to our friends and acquaintences, our enthusiasm confined to blog pages. I'm lucky to have a sister who relates to me in this aspect.
For not having anything fabulous to write about, I've sure exhausted the keyboard. So I'll leave you with this, in hopes that the editors don't shred it before it is published.