Last night, I went to see my friends Adrienne and Corrine, who I knew from EAC. They were about to start a movie, so I was just in time.
We watched That Thing You Do.
I'd never seen it, but I really liked it. Chalk another one up on my list of all-time favorites. How is it that it's been around so long and I've never seen it?
It's just been waiting patiently and quietly for the day when I'd finally discover it. It's loaded with great humor -but it doesn't rest entirely on humor. The plot is grippingly entertaining and is executed by an excellent cast. I can recommend this one whole-heartedly.
Funny story: Friday night, my roommate Levi invited me and my roommate Tom to go to a party put on by a girl he knew. Well, we didn't have any reason to stay home, so we went.
It was a house full of girls, with a few boys hanging around. Levi's friend, the hostess, came to the door to invite us in. After introductions, here's what she said: "There's a table of food over there. Help yourself. And there are a lot of girls here. Help yourself."
I don't think she was even trying to be funny. Me and Tom looked at each other and we couldn't help but laugh.
I don't think she was even trying to be funny. Me and Tom looked at each other and we couldn't help but laugh.
A little later, a group of loud Freshmen boys showed up. They sort of busted in talking loud, laughing, and sort of dancing and pushing people aside as they came right to the food table.
When they got close enough, they noticed the bowl of Sour-Patch kids. They all started yelling, "SOUR PATCH KIDS!!! SOUR PATCH KIDS!!!"
They each grabbed a handful. Me and Tom stood there and watched as this hurricane of stags pounced on the refreshments. One of the last guys to make it to the table came to the bowl of Sour Patch kids, leaned over the bowl, and with both hands scooped up a bunch of them, stood there looking at them, and said, "Oh, mother would not approve!" And he proceeded to eat them. Tom and I just broke out laughing. The funny thing is, the Freshmen boys were gone about a minute afterwards. They got their sour-patch fix, and were gone.
Those are the highlights of the funniest things of this week.
I'm pretty excited for Stadium Sing tomorrow. That's where BYUI students gather under the Stadium bleachers and sing hymns for half an hour on Sunday nights. There are so many people there singing, and the acoustics are so good under the bleachers that it's really a cool experience. So there you have it. Leave your comments or suggestions in the box.
"Oh, Mother would not approve!" That's my newest phrase. I think it's pretty useful. Hope that freshman kid doesn't mind me using it. He has no idea what he's started.
I found a video that made me laugh, so I have to share it with you:
That video is hilarious. I'm not the kind of girl who usually notices these things, but did anyone else catch that his nametag keeps switching to the other side?
(That was referring to the you tube video, not That Thing You Do.)
That Thing You Do is one of my favorites! Me and my mom used to jam out to the soundtrack while we cleaned the house! True story :)
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