Thursday, December 10, 2009


I got so caught up in getting caught up with homework that I forgot to post a story yesterday! I'll tell you what - let me make it up to you by posting a personal story, not just one I found online.

It was December of 2003. I was a missionary in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Though it's always a bit of a bummer not being "Home for the Holidays", Christmas time as a missionary were some of my most memorable and special ones.

One clear night in mid-December, we had our Christmas zone conference. Our zones went to the mission home. We had our usual reporting and training business, then while dinner was being prepared, our APs took us out Christmas caroling to houses in the neighborhood. While people are usually unreceptive to 2 Mormon missionaries on their doorstep, they couldn't very well say no to a whole throng of us, singing in the spirit of the season, and giving them a candy cane, with a small decorated card to explain the meaning of the symbol of the candy cane. I will cherish in my memory the snow-covered ground, the starry sky above, and the sweet spirit of warmth I felt as we went singing house to house in the bitter cold of a Canadian winter.

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