Today, school classes started again. It's full-steam ahead!
Back in elementary school, the first day of class was always really exciting. New clothes, new teacher, seeing friends, and recess! Now it's just more of a drag. Where's my next class? When does it start? More importantly, when does it end? Do I even have a break for lunch? My teacher expects me to do ALL of that before next class? Ugh.
It makes me want to go buy a Trapper Keeper and a box of crayons, just so I can smile about something.
I've got some irks to share (as the title would suggest).
I hate to have coins jingling in my pocket. I can't stand it! If I've got enough coins that they jingle (as I did today), I'll take them out of my pocket and carry them in my hand until I unconsciously slip them back into my pocket to start the process over again.
I can't stand having half-empty soda cans sitting out in random spots. Some of my roommates do this on a regular basis. If you're gonna drink the dang thing, ...COMMIT, DANG IT!!! Don't just do a sissy half-drink. Down that twelve-ouncer and let us get on with life! If I find a can with soda still in it, I'll let it sit for an hour to make sure the owner isn't coming back for it -then it's down the sink and the can is tossed.
*I nearly forgot one: I really hate it when someone is WAY into ESPN, Sportscenter, and all that. Having that on for hours at a time is so completely mind-numbing that even the Disney channel starts to sound good. I don't care is someone is checking for highlights of a game they missed or checking scores, but how is that even slightly interesting? It's so LAME!
So all the peeves are out of the way (for now). I've got just enough time to squeeze in a short nap before my next class.
If I knew your name and address, I'd send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils. (gentle reminder that you haven't text me your new address)
I'm the same with with pop. I hate having pop cans all around. Hate it.
Niclaas is only in 7th grade & he feels the same way your feeling. He asked me for some kind of trapper keeper to keep his loose papers in so I bought a plain ole' binder, one with a clear plastic sleeve on the outside & decorated it with pictures of him skating & all his favorite skate logos. I think it made him smile a little. You know Nic, any little expression & you'd better hold on to that!
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