Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Strange Habits

"We all have quirks: too few makes a person dull, too many makes them awkward, but the right amount makes them undeniably endearing."

Now, I started with that in quotes and italics so you'd automatically read it as some wise insight to grab your attention. It's really my own thought, so give me the credit if you ever use it.

It's taken decades to cultivate my quirky way of approaching life, and although I don't typically broadcast the things that make me a little odd, they may seem interesting or even entertaining to someone outside of my routine.

Here we go:

I start each day by drinking a warm cup of water with a tsp. of apple cider vinegar mixed in.

I almost never use face wash anymore -I use an olive oil/castor oil cleanse. That's right: oil on the face, steam a few times with a washrag soaked in hot water, and wipe clean.

I drink a glass of clay water every other day.

I end each shower by switching the water to cold for a good 2 or 3 minutes; James Bond does it too, so there.

I only shampoo my hair maybe once a week. I "wash" it with conditioner about every other day.

I tie almost every food or candy wrapper in a tight neat knot (fold it flat, continue folding until it's long and slender, then loop one end over the other) before throwing it away.

I never sleep on my stomach. Like ever. Maybe that's because I have a massive chest and my rib cage is uncomfortable when I lay on top of it. But anyway...

I wash my dishes immediately after I use them. Maybe it's due to the fact that I can't stand to let them pile into a daunting chore-stack.

I take power naps. They range from about 10 to 20 minutes in length, and I just automatically wake up when I'm all done.

I can't stand to just cut my fingernails; that jagged edge has to be filed smooth immediately.

That's it. Those are all my strange every day habits.

So how do I rank: dull, awkward, or undeniably endearing?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Man's Search for Work

I'm very busy for a person who doesn't have employment. I sometimes marvel at people who claim they're bored. I sometimes feel as though I'd like some company, a change of scenery, or maybe a more exciting routine, but being bored? How does that happen? Maybe that's mainly due to my mindset -my eyes are wide open and I'm surrounded by stimuli to keep ideas brewing. I don't have a job, or school, but there still aren't enough hours in the day.

I've spent a lot of time on job searching and I've learned quite a lot.

Here are a few thoughts:

1) I have absolutely relied on one website for invaluable insights and guidance. This site would shock the pants off of you. I'm now a die-hard follower. The site? If you've never looked over this site, I'd urge you to do so. But I won't twist your arm. Just know that if you don't recognize a good thing when you see it, you probably don't merit having it.
They've offered incredible insights into résumé creation/improvement, job-searching guidance, and a lot of motivation.

2) A résumé is not at all what most people think it is. My views have really evolved. A résumé involves digging deep, self-evaluation, strategy, prayer, guidance, revision, and lots of polishing. I'm still hammering away at mine. It looks awful pretty, and I'm proud of that fact. But the strategy and revision is in full sway. I've found incredible help and guidance (being pointed in the right direction by the Art of Manliness blog) in résumé writing and almost feel qualified to write résumés professionally.

3) A job search should be approached more like an adventurous treasure quest or a big game hunting expedition. It should be full of self-assertion, struggle, sweat, adventure, boldness, learning, taking initiative, and stepping forward. It is not enough to sit behind a desk, press a few buttons, and wait: that may work out all right for a less-glamorous pursuit. But if you're serious about a real career, you shouldn't be waiting on others to reach out to you with an opportunity, no matter how glitzy your credentials look. You should engage in the hunt, show people who you are, and how capable you are. Represent. Stand up, go to it, be a man. (Or a woman ...the Art of Manliness blog is rubbing off on me.)

4) Make the most of your current situation. You may not be entirely happy about your situation. You may be secretly planning an escape from it each and every night you lay down to sleep. You may get urges to abandon everything and hit the road penniless simply to embrace what adventures lay outside your present sphere.
It was my goal, upon finishing up school in December, to have landed a job by the end of January. It almost happened. I had an interview for a great job that I really wanted, but the position was granted to someone with a Masters degree. And here I am, early March, still camped out in my parents' basement. BUT I've been able to spend time with family, sort out a lot of my personal belongings, brush up the résumé (over and over ...and over again), and get into the absolute best shape of my life. I'm definitely looking forward to a change and to gainful employment. But life will all too soon rob me of the pleasant things that surround me at present: my mother's voice, the sound of my Dad's boots on the kitchen tile, the smiles and laughs of nieces and nephews, and all the rest of the bliss I'm surrounded by. No matter what stage of life you're in, cherish the good things. Don't wish them away because you're so focused on something else.

That's about all of the wisdom from this chapter of my life.
Ever need help with a résumé? Don't call me. Go check out first. I'd be happy to look over your polished résumé once you've taken their advice.

Friday, February 8, 2013


I'm going to just jump right back in here like nothing ever happened. Like I never neglected this online journal.

A lot has happened since I last posted. I've cleaned up my blog layout (I'm sure you've all noticed), I've welcomed a new darling niece into my life,

I've earned my degree (at long last), I now wear a modest trimmed beard,

I'm in the best shape I've ever been in, and have been living in a room in my parents' basement as I continue searching for a dream job.

Now, here's the part where I just throw out all the thoughts I've got to write.

I think people should make a habit of getting outside. There are days when it's not a great idea, but on the days that are pleasant or even bearable, we should be out and about more often than we are. We should use our porches and patios. We should get a little sun and air. We should slow down enough to appreciate the simple beauties in what's right in our backyard. Not only do I think it's a healthy idea, but I would venture to say God is much nearer when we get outside of our lives and take a grateful glance at His creations.

While I'm on the "sage advice" kick, let's throw these gems in:

(I heard these quotes and have really seen the wisdom in them lately.)

"What other people think of you is none of your business."

"Short visits make long friends."

I could explicate some on those, but I think they're best left as they are. Thanks goes to my aunt Cat for that first one. My aunts are the source of a lot of sound advice for life.

That should do it for now. I've got a few other ideas of things that I'll be posting soon, so watch for them.

It's good to be back.