Let me set the scene for you: Wednesday night, uhh, scratch that. Tuesday night (finals week is really messing with my brain). I sit nestled in the little comfy nook created by the recess under my elevated bed. It's where I do my best work, and my best thinking. If I had anything equivalent to a secret lair, this would be it. The world outside is bright with the illumination of a heavy falling snow: the perfect mixture of easy wind and downy flake. I probably use Frost lines to a fault, but for those of you who get it, I hope you're smiling. There ya go.
I am going to unload, because it's high time. The thought-minions are near the point of revolt, being overloaded with trivial thoughts. I must keep them happy. They've threatened to sabotage the entire operation of my mental flow. Oh, too late. School has done that already. Minions, do your worst. I'll write it out anyhow, just because I'll sleep better if I do.
I must say, I've really been impressed with Taco Bell's efforts in the way of sauces. I thrill when I see the variety now offered in those little bins next to the napkins and sporks. I confess, I haven't actually tried them all. I like the verde sauce so much that I haven't really felt the need to venture beyond it -for now.
Tonight's snowstorm really enhances the holiday mood. I peered down the main street in Rexburg and saw it in all its Christmasy splendor: the trees laced in bright twinkling white bulbs that glisten off the facets of a thousand little ice mirrors falling in silence; it's got its charm. I am so tempted to dash down the street yelling "Merry Christmas, Bedford Falls!" But here's the thing: there is another charm at work in me. I saw a picture of an ocotillo plant in a desert scene today and the allure of that just made it all the harder to resist the urge to leave town tonight and skip out on the rest of finals. Ahh, Arizona -I pine for the sunshine in your friendly gaze.
I interrupt this program to say that my roommate's laugh from the living room is so boisterously ridiculous and obnoxious that I wonder every time whether it's sincere or forced. Put that in your gee-whiz file.
I've been so distracted this week. Really. I drove to donate plasma yesterday (that was only a day ago? It seems like at least three.) and afterward, I stopped in at the Subway just around the block from my apartment complex. I had a good restful lunch, read the local paper, did the crossword, and then got up, cleared the table, and walked home. I completely forgot that I had driven there, and I thought nothing of my car since I usually walk to and from Subway.
The following morning, I woke up early to go to the school and put the finishing touches on a project I was to present. I went to the parking lot, keys in hand, and my car ... was not there. I paused. I turned around and looked. Where was it? It took me a good three minutes to remember what had happened. I walked briskly to the Subway parking lot, hoping and praying that my car had not been towed away.
When I arrived, the manager of Subway had just arrived too. She was on the phone with the tow-truck driver. I was about to be towed. She canceled her request and hung up. She then told me "This is
NOT an overnight parking lot." I explained that I realized that and how my lunch-time stop had led to my forgetting and my honest mistake. She proceeded to "wow" me with details of what the charges are for a tow and storage fees. She was thoroughly irritated. I told her I was sorry, and yet, though my experiences at their franchise have always been satisfactory, her current treatment had me re-thinking my stance. She had no sympathy for me. She is the parking lot queen. She takes pride in a good empty lot when she closes up shop. Anyone who dares defy her will be dealt the full measure of her fury. Your right hand will be severed at the wrist and and stapled to an old board above the restaurant door: "Parking violators, be ye warned". I find it so fascinating that someone could get so worked up over something that is fixed as easily as me driving away. The same lady has been known to call the tow-truck on people who stop in to use their restroom and don't buy anything. Parking is, after all, only for paying customers. I'm of the opinion that life is much to short to be so crotchety.
But what I want to point out about all this is that finals week has really got me distracted. I
misplaced my
car! How out of it do you have to be to misplace a few tons of steel?
My every instinct is telling me that I need to be headed South, right now. I know I need to stay and finish up my Calculus final on Thursday, but I am staring at the road, car keys in hand, (with a car this time), and glancing at the school. Then back at the road. Home never seemed so alluring. It is calling to me. This week can't pass fast enough for me. I normally like to make the most of each day and cherish it for all it's worth. But some weeks are just made to fast-forward. This one is a fast-forward week. I suppose it's worth it to stick around and see who wins the plasma center promotion drawing, just for kicks. Okay, school is important too.
Lately I've been just cruising through my free iBooks. I keep reading Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. I love them! I wish I'd discovered them earlier on because I just love how cleverly crafted they are. If you're wanting to try a classic, give one of the "adventures" a try from
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Each chapter is a new case. I love it.
I'm determined to keep myself in check. I have the urge to add to my movie collection. There are so many good new flicks out! Some not-so-new, but just the same, I want them! Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, despicable me, the a-team, ...wow. Control, ol' boy, control. Control, alt, delete. Okay, maybe that's a little extreme. Control. Control.
There you have it. From the midst of the pains of final exams, I present you with a gift from the heart of my mind, or the depth of my width, or the soul of my brain. Whatever. You know what I mean.