We each have things we want to do in life. One I've always dreamed of doing is singing in a fun A'Capella group. This semester, that opportunity came. Last night, our group My A'Capella performed in a show on campus called Magic Moments. It's a Disney-themed show that students audition for. Well, it was a lot of fun. We collectively arranged parts for a medley of Disney songs (and none of us are music majors, I note).
It was a blast. I was a little shaky in front of a huge crowd. I haven't had to do anything quite like that since Swing Choir back, well ...at the turn of the millenium.
Sounds so distant, and yet, I remember it like it was yesterday. Wow, that last line sounds a lot like Ebenezer Scrooge reflecting on the shadows of the past.
The group may have another opportunity to perform our medley. The talent board puts on a Best Of Show where all the top-voted acts from shows on campus combine to put on one heck of a show. Judging by the audience reaction, we've got a good chance of making it. I don't want to jump the gun and tell you it's for sure, but I have it from a good source that when the ballots were counted, our group had twice the votes of the second-place act.
If we do make it, I'll have my friends (who always have front-row seats) take a good quality video. With one performance under our belts, I think the on-stage jitters are pretty well worked out.
The next few weeks of school are going to be pretty hectic. But I have a great creative outlet, and that is singing. I love this group. I only wish we had more time to perform together!
So I say this: If you have a dream, if you have a talent you're dying to express, step out onto the stage. Embrace the adrenaline rush. Don't just wish upon a star. Be the star you dream of being, no matter how small it seems. Share your talents. I can't guarantee it will bring you fame, glory, or fortune. But it will help bring out the very best in you. Your life will be richer. That I can guarantee.
1 comment:
Here's a link to a video of our performance. It cuts out the very first song, but the sound quality is the best I've heard of all the clips so far:
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