I realize that I haven't been posting all that regularly for a good while. School has kept my nose in the books.
This week has been a tumult of frustration and emotion. I know it's only Monday, but still. Yesterday I was dished some crazy bad news, I had a huge lab project due, so last night I stayed up late trying to make sure I had everything right, and as a result, I went to bed fretting about the geometry and age of fault planes and folds. On top of that, my roommate was snoring, and once I finally did get to sleep, his alarm went off. All in all, I got 4 hours of sleep, then hurried to class where I had a major mineral identification exam. Then, this afternoon, I got a second helping of terrible news, and on top of that, the keyboard I'm using to type this will not cooperate.
I'm emotionally spent, and I've still got a week's worth of school ahead. I wish there was a motherly spider here to tell me to keep my chin up and keep old Mr. Zuckerman's knife at bay. I feel like someone wants me dead.
And now people are looking at me funny. If I tap the keys really hard, they work. But it sounds like I'm taking out my frustration on the keyboard. Can they blame me though? Honestly . . .