I really do have a legitimate reason for the lack of posting. But I won't bore you with that. Let's get right to the good stuff.
For conference weekend, I caught a ride with my roommate to Salt Lake City. We got there in time for my mission reunion Friday night. It was good to see some of my companions and meet some other missionaries who served in the same areas I did. Since I didn't have a car, I caught a ride to Provo with one of the elders who's now at BYU. I styed with my friend Rex. I didn't have tickets for conference, but I was able to get into the AM and PM sessions on Saturday, as well as the priesthood session. It was amazing. It was a bit of a challenge getting from place to place down there, but it all worked out.
And now I'm back to my studies, more refreshed after having been to conference.
I'm sad we weren't able to see each other. I would have come to the reunion, but it was on my kiddos birthday (literal birth-day). Let me know next time you're coming to a reunion so I make sure I'm there.
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