It's that point in the semester; all the stupidity of the roommates I've been living with for months starts to get to me, and I get annoyed.
This morning, I started my day by walking to the vanity area to get ready for school. The floor and countertop were covered in chunks of hair. A set of hair-clippers were left out, still plugged in, and the attachments strewn out on the counter. I had to get ready in that mess. I hate to start out my day like that. So, I did the sensible thing, and left a note on the mirror: WHOEVER LEFT THEIR HAIR MESS, PLEASE CLEAN IT UP. It's now 11:30, and it's still there. Annoyance is setting in.
And here's something else that I noticed: some people really don't understand what does and doesn't belong in the refrigerator. This is really important to know, especially when 6 guys are using one fridge.
DOES belong: half-used sticks of margarine. The don't belong sitting out on the counter next to the toaster or stove. Or, if you must, please put a plate underneath it!
DOESN'T belong: maple syrup (who wants that to be cold? It's like refrigerating a lollipop!), bread (it takes up too much space! I can understand freezing a loaf or two to use later, but come on.), and opened canned goods. Nothing like the crusty/moldy half-full can of refried beans with a fork in it to let your roommates know your IQ. Was your heart really set on finishing that, or was the trash can out of order, so you threw it in the fridge by default?
The semester is coming to a close, and I'm counting down the days. FYI: I'll be moving next door next semester, so my mailing address will be the same, except for the apartment number. I'll be in 108 instead of 109. Big move, I know.