I don't have a lot of time to update the blog now that I've started Field Camp.
Let me explain what that means.
Field Camp is a 7-week geology course dealing with advanced field methods. They take us out into the wild country where the rocks are. We leave from the school at 8:00am on Monday and stay out in the field until Friday. On Saturday, we do projects based on the field work we did that week. And we take a shower (Yeah!) and do our laundry.
Some people would love to do this sort of thing for school. I'm one of them. I love being out in the field.
Our first week, we were out close to Price Utah in a place called "the Book Cliffs". Last week, we went out to the Gros Ventre Range (pronounced "Grow Vaunt", French for "big stomach") in Wyoming. We measure rock units, describe them, and map them. This is all in preparation for a final 2-week project where each student will be given an area to map out in the Beaverhead Mountains. The neat thing about the project is that good detailed geologic mapping of the area has never been done before.
The final week of the course, we'll be back in Rexburg compiling things from our final mapped area. So that's it. I usually don't have any cell coverage out in the sticks, but sometimes it's good enough to send a text. So if you're trying to get ahold of me, weekends are your best bet.
Happy Camping!

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