There's no better way to cap off a grueling semester off schoolwork than to go to a smashing concert. Bryce and I knew it. We'd planned ahead for months to go and bought tickets.
The concert: The Fray July 18th 2009 at USANA Amphitheater in West Valley City, Utah.

They had two bands open for them: Meese (a newer group from Denver) and Jack's Mannequin. As the week of the concert approached, we began to finalize plans. We were going to ride down with Bryce's chica on Saturday afternoon, go to the concert, stay the night somewhere, and travel back to Rexburg on Sunday. it didn't quite pan out that way.
A few days before the weekend of the concert, Byrce's girl Kalina decided that finals were too important and she couldn't spend the weekend away at a concert. So our ride fell through. We didn't know who the opening bands were at that point, and as it turns out, Jack's Mannequin is Kalina's favorite band. Ha ha! Sorry. They were really good.
I talked to my friend Christy about letting us her Toyota Tacoma to the concert. She's so incredibly nice. She let us. Even after two idiots in our ward tried to talk her out of it!
We got to Salt Lake at around 5:40pm and drove around for a bit before heading to the USANA Amphitheater. We met Bryce's friend Krystle there and found a sweet spot right at the front of the lawn seating. The concert was packed, the weather was perfect, and it turned out to be the best concert I've ever been to. All great bands, all of them sounded amazing in a live performance.
Bryce and I hadn't eaten anything since lunch and the concert ended at 11pm, so we went to IHOP. We crashed at my friend Rex's place in Provo that night. He's a huge fan of The Fray, and he was at the concert too (but he got seats in the pit ---front row).
Sunday morning we showered and headed to Orem to meet Krystle and say goodbye before heading back to Rexburg. We ended up taking a lot of random pictures at a park in Orem -fun times.

The drive home turned out to be one of the funnest parts of the trip. Bryce took my camera and got some pictures and videos. I hope you've survived my dry travelogue-style entry. It was less of "I'm going to tell it in a creative way" and more of "it's finals-week and I've got just enough time to tell you what's up". I'm back in town, a little road-weary and tired, but so ready to be done with this semester that I'm humming songs by The Fray. Everyone knows I'm in over my head, over my head...
Your video concert was...
It took my breath away (not completely, Miss Tremain).
Thanks for sharing. Looks like good times.
Wasn't it though? It's no wonder they kept zooming in on us at the CES fireside.
My cheeks look puffy because I'm sucking on about three ice cubes while singing.
While getting in bed at Rex's place, Bryce's toenail (which was pretty much dead from a soccer incident) nearly ripped off when he kicked Clinton's keyboard in the dark. So we had to get up and turn the light on and detach the thing all the way before we could go back to sleep. Aren't you glad I decided not to post the pictures of that?
Clinton? Clinton who? Blanco?
Yes, the one -the only.
I almost forgot about him!! That would have been awful!
Although I'm 100% sure he has no friggin idea who on earth I am.
I'm sad.
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