This afternoon, the roommates and I headed out to the middle of the spud fields on the outskirts of town. We had to check out the "Haunted Swing". The local legend goes that this isolated swing was built a long time ago for a little girl who spent much of her time there. Now that she's dead, they say her spirit still lingers, and sometimes you can sense her presence and the swing will move without anyone touching it, with no wind blowing.

Well, it turned out to be not so scary in the daytime. I don't know what all the fuss is about. We did, however, spy some old buildings off in the distance that looked pretty spooky. So we investigated despite the fact that the road through the spud field was muddy and the fact that there were NO TRESPASSING signs all along the way.
I'm glad we did, because it made for some pretty sweet photos. These are just a few.

1 comment:
(no, not spoky. SpOOky. You know. Like, "ooooo...")
Its too bad our family isn't rich because you and me and Ju could all conference call each other with our web-cams and watch Arsenic and Old Lace together. Tis the season.
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