I'm feeling conflicted. There are so many directions I want to take in this post, and I guess I'm just having to throw them all together in one. I guess you could call it Goulash. All the posts I've read with the "100 things about me" have got me itching to do something similar. And yet, I don't want to go the full hundred, not just yet. I think tonight I'll do however many I feel like, and continue it later. I also have pictures to edit and upload now, so the page will have some more flavor -yay for that, right?
A curious calf on the round-up

1 -I can't stand when people leave cupboards open. Roommates of my past have done this, and it almost makes me want to live in a cave where there are no cupboards -just rock walls -a Cave of Wonders!
2 -I really tend to avoid conflict, but the older I get, the bolder I get. That rhymed -unintentional. I had a lady in line today that did the dumbest thing; after I counted back her change, she re-counted it aloud to me in the manner she preferred that I would do it. "That's how I wish you would do it." She counted the dollar amount up to what she had given me in payment, and I hate that. I hate it when people count change back to me that way. To put it in a simile, it's like re-gurgitating the whole pie just to see how many pieces aren't eaten. I'm not saying it's hard, but my mind is geared the other way. I automatically calculate the change due in my head, so to try to dock that thought while counting change back in the other manner, the whole time trying to make sure you don't over or under change them, oh, heck no. I am the cashier. I will count change back in my own way. If you've got a problem with that, "get in another line." I just gave her a blank "are you done" stare, and saved the memory of her worthless demonstration for later laughs.
3 -Another work story: A lady brought her cart up to me to be loaded as I was ringing up her order. As she leaned on the handle of the empty cart, she politely asked, "Would you check on the bottom of my cart and see if I left anything down there?" "Sure" I said, not thinking twice -we're trained to check the bottom of the basket anyhow. But then she thought of what had just taken place, and she said, "What did I ask you that for? I'm so sorry. That was really dumb." And then she started laughing. "O my gosh! How dumb! I don't know what I was thinking! I was just thinking out loud! You didn't need to do that for me, I am sorry!"
She really couldn't get over it, and laughed the rest of the time.
4 - I love Enya. Not all the time, but I can't believe that Alicia hates it. I guess it's one of those things that you either love or hate, like olives.
5 -I am typing this in the dark because my roommate shut off the light and I may have more than a few typos. (OK, I had to re-write that last sentence three times, case in point)
6 -I'm like my cousin Kourtney in a lot of ways I never realized. When people talk about blood, I get pretty faint. When they start to promote blood drives in my institute class, I will sometimes find an excuse to leave the room for a few minutes. That's something I'd like to conquer. I can handle blood in emergency settings -maybe it's the adrenaline.
7 -People tell me I am very good at speaking in public, but I don't see what all the fuss is about.
8 -There are 3 movies that I don't own but want really bad: The Music Man, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, and The Shakiest Gun in the West.
9 -I used to be very anti-video games. I saw so many grown men waste hours on end with games. But after last school year, I was ruined. My roommate Devin got me started playing Burnout on X-Box. That led to Splinter Cell, then Halo, then Ghost Recon, and on down the slippery slope. But I guess I don't play all that much, so I can live with it.
10 -Prison Break is by far my favorite TV Drama ever. I've only seen seasons 1 and 2, but I'm still convinced. I love it.
11 -Jack Johnson's music never gets old.
12 -I watch every movie with subtitles if they have the option. My roommate Preston kept asking me when I first moved in here why the captions were on. I finally told him, "I like them. I get more out of the dialogue and the movie makes more sense."
"Oh." He's dealing with someone who is obsessed with language.
"Oh." He's dealing with someone who is obsessed with language.
13 -I buy cookie dough just to eat it, and I really want to quit.
14 -I keep having dreams about my first area of my mission, Fort MacLeod. In the dreams, I am walking the streets and visiting the homes of people I know. They are so vivid and memorable and I wake up wanting to be there again. Maybe when I move up to Idaho . . .
15 -My Mom told me she loves it when she can correct me, because I'm always right.
16 -I was Prom King my Senior year of High School, and I was probably the last person to find out. They made the announcement over the intercom, but I was off-campus that period at a job-site with my building maintainence class.
17 -I really miss Swing Choir with Cat and Mr. Hutchens, especially the musicals in the spring: Music Man, Bye-Bye Birdie, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers...
18 -I really don't miss High School band at all.
19 -I sometimes shop at Bath and Body. I'm all about the home fragrances. Coconut lime verbena is awesome.
20 -I own more pants I bought used than pants I bought new.
That should do it for the about me stuff for now. I think I'll upload some of the pictures I've been dying to post.

My Great-grandpa's saddle

A view of our family farm in Joseph City

The John Bushman home on main street
This one is my favorite. I give credit to my aunt Cat for the idea of taking this picture.
All these shots from just a usual weekend in Joseph City. It really is an amazing place. This concludes my post for now. I think I can sleep easier at night now, knowing that my pictures have finally been posted.
Thanks for sharing your blog with me! :) I'm sorry that you still have to deal with dumb customers! And I love the pictures...you definitely have an eye for it!
Those pictures are even better than they ones you showed me. The one of the farm is amazing. I really love it. I might have to buy that one and hang it somewhere in my house. Like on the north wall outside the nursery or above the computer... uh, oh. Hear that? That's my nesting instinct kicking in. It's been out of control today. I just want to sew and talk about baking and cleaning and yarn textures.
I watch every movie with subtitles, too. I think it all goes back to trying to watch movies when Jim was little. He ran around and around and around in his cape and mask making battle sounds and gruff threats to the enemy. I just turned the subtitles on, and BINGO. I was hooked for life. They worked great with colic Lacy, too. I rented movie after movie. I'd hold her while she screamed (adorably) but was able to tune her out because I was paying too much attention to what was going on in the movie.
I love olives.
Hi Steven!
I did a search for blogs that mentioned Joseph City and look who I found. It was great to read your blog and catch up on your life a little. (That could be taken as creepy, but I don't intend to be creepy.) Reading about your life also made me feel a little old. Kids who I babysat should not be able to grow up and become great people. Younger great people would be OK.
I loved seeing your beautiful Joseph City pictures. Actually made me a bit nostalgic for the good old days in Joe City. I even wrote an entry about it this morning.
I hope you don't mind me invading your life a bit by reading your updates.
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