21) I love playing classical music on the piano. Not the impossible pieces like Rachmaninoff, but some of the simpler good stuff. I played Schubert's Serenade last night, both the top and bottom hands together, for the first time. What an awesome piece of music. I attribute all my musical inclinations (and any talent I may have) to my Grandpa Hansen. I think I inherited that.
22) My roommate is one of those violent sudden-sneeze people. Never a warning, just all of a sudden, a loud explosive sound with full voice behind it. And it happens several times a day. Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, almost out, the sneeze happened. That gave me an adrenaline jump-start, and I was wide-awake again.
23) Another pet-peeve: a microwave left with time unused on the display. Somebody uses the machine, pulls their stuff out before time is up, and walks away. I guess I never have that problem because I usually know exactly how long I want to cook the food for, and it stays in there the whole time. I guess I'm just going to have to accept the fact that the "clear" button was made for a purpose.
24) When I was really young, my dad used to jokingly scare me by acting like the big bad wolf. When I was in the bathtub, he'd reach in, switch the light off, and then whisper through the door in his big bad wolf voice. I used to have terrible nightmares about being chased by wolves, and I still don't like them.
25) I am not a talker in the morning. Something has to get me going, get my mouth loosened.
26) There's a cashier at work who just started, and yesterday I was on the register next to her. She's very odd, very annoying, and a complete nuisance. Any spare moment she had, she'd step over to my side and tell me things like, "Know what I want to invent? A car alarm that shocks people when they touch your car. It could have a voice that like, gives 'em a warning. THIS CAR HAS A SHOCKING CAR ALARM. DON'T TOUCH IT OR YOU WILL BE ELECTROCUTED! I think it would be fun watching people touch it and get the crap shocked out of them!" All day long, she would do this. I was totally unresponsive, wishing I was with somebody else. When I wasn't really talking back to her, she asked, "What's wrong with you?"
"I just want to do my work without you bothering me all the time."
After 8 hours of that, I came home in a terrible mood.
She has long, dark hair, and her name is Jessica. If you're ever at Sam's, avoid her line. Or go through it to see what I'm talking about.
26) I really want to travel. I especially want to go on a European tour. Maybe my Geology studies will take me there someday.
27) I love General Conference. I've seen it live 3 times. I used to get more excited for Christmas than anything else, but now it's Conference, and it comes twice a year. I cherish the Conference Report Ensigns. I should take more time to study them.
28) I hate the smell of coffee, but like the smell of coffee beans.
29) Last time my roommate Preston went home, he came back with a bag of old puppets his grandma had made. We put on a condensed-version puppet show of the Princess Bride. He was the puppet-master, and I played the music on my keyboard. The neighbor girls loved it.
30) I love nice people. I have scores of people come through my check-out line all day. I really love nice people.
31) I wish I had more time to read.
32) I love Joseph City.
33) I love Thatcher almost as much.
34) I love getting packages in the mail.
35) I love my nieces. They've introduced me to a whole new level of happiness.
36) I've kissed Lacy more times than any other girl.
37) I want to go live in a Spanish speaking country for a few months to immerse myself in, and hopefully learn the language.
38) I'm descended from Dairy farmers, and I am allergic to milk. I wasn't always, but I know I am now. Goodbye ice-cream and cheese. I'm learning to love soy. I think maybe the Lord helped me out with the diet thing. Ice cream, cheesecake, they don't even sound good to me.
39) I love breakfast foods, especially at dinner time.
40) I wish I lived on a beach, just to see more of the ocean. 'Cuz there's no ocean-front property in Arizona, by George.
That's the second batch. I hope that can satiate you until I feel the urge to write the next twenty.
You are so frinkin' funny. Your "by George" comment was clever indeedy. I have so many things I want to comment on, so let me begin:
Mom told me about the wolf thing. She said Dad was trying to help, but that she thought maybe he was making it worse. Smart woman. Now I know the rest of the story.
Number 26 reminded me of a job I used to have in Thatcher. I worked with a manager that I did not like, and it's really a big deal when I can't even try to be nice. He was very power happy and that is something I really really despise. One day he said, "You don't like me, do you?" And I just said, "No. Not really." I've never been that forward before or since then. You just reminded me of that. I can just see that conversation happening. I really think you are Mr. Darcy to a "T".
I didn't know you loved getting packages. You should've said something. Send me your address again. I know all that's changed is the apartment number, but I want to be sure. And when you move far and away, be sure that I will be mailing you all kinds of random crap. A few months ago, I mailed Tia an ATM card. Abstinence 'Timm Marriage. Did I spell abstinence right? I'm very tired...
Nunna never drank milk. You think you're spesh because you "came from" dairy farmers? She was bloody married to one and never touched the stuff! I can't remember if it was because she didn't like it or because she was lactose. I think it was because she didn't like it.
I love breakfast foods too. I dream about them. I crave them. I want to go to I-HOP on my birthday. I could eat breakfast foods for every meal. I'm a Denny's faithful thanks to their 'round the clock breakfasts.
Lacy doesn't kiss. She "gives sugar" which is another matter. :) She's getting to be a little floozy, though. She's kissing babies in magazines and all sorts of questionable things. I'm sorry to break your heart. I'm just telling the truth. I'm a friend.
Sorry if there's typos on this. I'm really tired. But not too tired to tell you that there's a sign up in the post office for a yard sale where they will be selling "nin nacks". It made me smile. Almost as much as the boy I saw in Safeway's parking lot with the dirty hair and scruffy shirt and shorts wearing his Dad's boots that went up over his dirty little knees. I bet he thought he looked so big and cool. It was cute.
Frickin'. I meant frickin'. Not frinkin'. Which I'm starting to think might actually be cooler.
Lacy might not kiss, but I do. Stick that in your back pocket.
I could make many comments about many of the awesome things I just learned about you, but the one thing that is sticking in my mind right now is how a relationship you and Alicia have. You guys rock. It's times like these that I am so sad my family moved away from Joseph City. I missed the chance to see you guys grow up. At least I have the chance now to get to know you a bit as a "grown-up".
Just an piece of information that also made me a bit homesick for "my" Joseph City people. My parents are the caretakers of the camp that the young women in your stake went to this last week. My mom and dad got to talk with your mom and a few of your aunts. I was jealous because I miss all of you guys.
I can't get away from this nostalgia thing.
Thanks for sharing!!!!
Also, we all missed you today. The Fourth of July celebration was A-W-E-S-O-M-E (awesome, awesome, awesome, are we) this year. Uncle Derron was in charge and it was so great. Best so far, in my book.
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