at last, has come.
I have leased an apartment in Rexburg for the next 3 semesters. My financial aid award was posted, and according to my advisor, I'm "in good shape" financially. I might not need my student loans with scholarships and a SMART grant (whatever that is).
And today, I recieved an email of the details of the 5-day field-trip I'll be taking before school starts. We'll be camping, looking at Geologic structures throughout Wyoming (Yellowstone!) and Eastern Idaho, stopping to visit the Willie Handcart Company Monument, and swimming in some of the greatest reservoirs on the continent. They included a list of the things I need to pack, and it reminds me of scout camp. I have to say, I'm getting really excited about it all.
I also recieved about 20 pages of things I need to know before going on the trip. Needless to say, I am back in study mode. I'm staring at page after page of symbols and abbreviations I'll need to read some of the maps geologists use. I get to memorize the Geologic time-scale IN ITS ENTIRETY (names, dates, etc). This is by far the most daunting of all the tasks. I'm sure I won't need to know it all perfectly, but we will be tested on it on the first day of the trip.

I can't wait to watch The Ghost and Mr. Chicken with you.
Here's a quote:
"CALM?!!! You want me to be CALM?!!! Do CALM and MURDER go TOGETHER?!!! MURDER and CALM?!!! MURDER?!!!"
"CALM?!!! You want me to be CALM?!!! Do CALM and MURDER go TOGETHER?!!! MURDER and CALM?!!! MURDER?!!!"
It's a classic. I know you'll love it.
Steve I love your blog! Now you have a great time up at BYUI! We'll miss ya!
Your trip sounds like a ton of fun! Make sure to take lots of pictures! :)
What is the picture of? Should I know this?
I can't wait for you to come. Then again, I can. It's all bittersweet because I know when you get here it will be the beginning of the end. I know you're not dying, and I'm happy you're doing things like school (blah blah blah) but I'm selfish enough to miss you -and love you enough to be happy for you. I guess. I'm excited to see that movie. And WHAT A RELIEF that things are coming together so nicely.
Lacy is back to her sweet self again. Thank you for watching her when she was not at her best. As Frost would say, it made all the difference.
The picture is of Yellowstone Falls. Lacy was great for me, probably because it was a new scene for her. She did keep wondering where you were though. Every 20 minutes or so, she'd realize you weren't there and say, "Mama?"
Glad she's back to being sweet for you.
Hey Steve, it's Stormy's mom. I found your blog on hers. I just have to say I love it. I love all the things about you that you've written. Seems like "The musings of Steven"...or something like that. Anyhow....I'm inspired by it. Perhaps I'll add that to mine. Good luck in Idaho....Stormy is gonna miss you like crazy...she always tells me of the funny things you guys do. Thanks for being a good friend to her. By the way....LOVE the photos you posted from Jo job!!!
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