Stormy went and "tagged" everyone. I know I'm not everyone, but I do fall in that category.
I am: a idiot.
i know: what I want, and I want it now.
i want: i don't know...
i have: a bellybutton on my tummy.
i wish: that I had brought my X-Box with me to Idaho.
i hate: the fact that I left it at home.
i fear: that I won't be able to live happily without it.
i feel: super-peppy today.
i hear: that you are what you eat.
i smell: fall in the air.
i crave: attention from good-looking ladies.
i search: for stuff when I can't find it.
i regret: not remembering where I put everything.
i love: it when I find what I'm looking for.
i always: try to say thank you.
i am not: trying to be cool.
i believe: in miracles -since you came along (you sexy thang)
i dance: like nobody's watchin' -usually nobody is.
i sing: loud at Stadium Sing on Sunday evenings.
i fight: illiteracy in all its forms.
i lose: stuff when I move.
i win: at guessing games -a lot.
i never: say never.
i listen: to Jack Johnson more than any other artist.
i am scared: of getting low grades.
i need: to study!
i am happy about: living in spud country
and last but not least, I TAG: Alicia
I love the cow picture. But if you've looked at my blog, you already knew that.
To me you ARE everyone..how did you know?
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