There are those thought-filled moments when you find yourself carrying out some brainless chore like scrubbing the sink or vacuuming when your brain doesn't have to focus much on the task at hand, so it wanders where it will. These moments are usually the inspiration for a lot of what I blog about.
This time, I want to share what I think are the most terribly awful ideas ever construed by American culture.
1) Carpet in bathrooms. Who's the idiot that thought of that? Have they heard of rugs? The bathroom is the most wet, soggy, spil-prone, germ-friendly place in the house. A rug can be taken out and cleaned regularly. But carpet stays tacked to the floor, providing a long-term welcoming shelter for all sorts of nasties that want to live under there -not to mention the inevitable stains and funky smells. WHY oh WHY?
2) Mixing Christmas and Halloween. There are people out there who will vehemently disagree with this stance (usually the ones who shop at Hot Topic), but you just don't do that Mr. Burton.
He's got a real knack for eerie creations, but why'd he have to let the black inkpot spill over nearly two months out of place into the lovely picture print that is Christmas?
It's like mixing rotten fruit into your ice-cream; you don't like the taste, it leaves you feeling sick, and begs the question, "Who is responsible for this?". Well, his name is in the credits and on the DVD cover. I love both holidays, but they don't mix well at all.
3) Drive-thru liquor stores. Don't they realize what they're doing? If you buy kid candy, I guarantee you they'll want it out of the grocery bag and in their hand before you even pull out of the parking lot. If a boozer has to use the drive-thru to get their alcohol faster, what's gonna stop them from sippin' back while they're on the drive home? Alcohol sales are disgraceful to begin with, but are we that devoted to vice that we give it a drive-thru convenience for distribution? Rubbish. It's all folly and poppycock.
4) Energy Drinks. There are tons of justifications. The one I hear most often is, "I need it to get through my day."
Wow. What ever did you do before energy drinks were contrived? It's some kind of miracle that you were able to make it through those times well enough and survived to see the day your "medicine" was concocted.
Some people use it to make sure they stay awake when they drive. This is an all-out cop-out. Hyped-up stimulants alter your physical condition to the point that I feel is unsafe for anyone who's operating a vehicle.
No, I've never had one -and no, I never will. Anyone who understands the doctrine of the word of wisdom and still uses these stimulants is acting in direct contradiction to all reason and logic. Want the Lord's protection while you drive? Want energy to get through the day? Live the law that provides those blessings.
That'll do for now. My first post of the new year, and I'm already sort of ranting. What am I ever going to do with myself ...
Kudos, bro.
Don't get me started on my alcohol platform. Don't. You'll regret the day you were born.
I once left a comment on a random blog. The author was complaining about how coffee had become a fashion fad. I said something along the lines of: I agree. I think it's pathetic that people can't seem to get moving until they have their daily dose of tanic acid.
I checked back a few days later, and someone had left a comment that said something like: tanic acid? What are you? Some kind of doctor?
And I laughed. Me? A Doctor? Fancy that.
also i once wrote a short blog about heart-healthy hot dog buns. who the frick eats hot dogs if they're worried aboout the health of their heart?
**i'm typing one-handed. please forgive.
oh my goodness i have always thought that drive-thru liquor stores were the worst idea ever! does anything encourage drunk driving more? i believe the answer is no. i couldn't help but laugh when i read that one!
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