One of the things that keeps life interesting is variety. And one of the things that makes people interesting is variety in their likes and dislikes.
I don't want you to think this is another "I hate this" posts. I just want to point out some of the things that other people can't believe I don't like ...purely for interest's sake.
1) I can't stand The Office. I used to. I used to sit with my roommates and chuckle at it. I say chuckle because I never laughed. And the chuckles were sparse. I began to realize that it was a show that demanded too large a time commitment with too little a pay-off in terms of merit. I hated the mood it created in our place. While I do get a kick out of some of the characters, all in all, I can't stand that show and people can't believe it. That theme song is still pretty catchy though...
2) I don't like the Beatles. Any time I say that, I get such a reaction! You'd think I'd done something illegal, like I should be reported to the police immediately. I bow to their musical abilities, but the mood created by the majority of their stuff is just ...ugh. And those lyrics? Please shoot me ...in the ear. Actually, both ears please. I concede that there are two (and only two) Beatles songs that I like. And I really like them a lot: Blackbird and Here Comes the Sun.
Story time: Back in July, I was riding in a BYUI van with some of my fellow geology buddies. The iPod was plugged into the stereo and we were enjoying some great travel music. Then somebody got the itch for the Beatles. I had to mention that I wasn't a fan. Of course, everyone looked at me like I'd just said "I hate orphans." After two songs, I requested a change of artist. My friend Patrick asked, "So when you say you're not a fan, you're really saying you can't stand them in a nice way?" Yeah, that's it. Sorry to everyone who loves this group. I really can appreciate their music ...if you've got the right two songs.
3) Sticking with the music topic, most people also gasp when I mention I don't really like Rascal Flatts. This isn't as extreme as the Beatles. There are some Rascal Flatts songs that I really love, but not because it's performed by that group. One is Life is a Highway, a cover. It kills me that people don't realize that Rascal Flatts didn't come up with that song. I think my dislike comes from a bad first impression. When I first heard the name, I hated it. I still hate that name. You could name your band anything and you named it that?
Maybe they have a reason, but if that reason isn't apparent, or if the music isn't good enough to make you like them despite the name, what in heaven's name are you thinking? Take Jimmy Eat World. That name is really out there. But the music, especially their earliest stuff, was great. The name became endearing as a freckle on the nose of a 3-year-old girl.
Anyhow, the deal-sealer for this dislike was when I browsed the Special Features on the Emperor's New Groove DVD and watched Rascal Flatts do a music video called "Walk the Llama-Llama" complete with an instructor teaching dance moves to the song. I just can't shake the feeling that this group is all-out ridiculously stupid. If they've got a good song, I'll listen to it. But just please don't mention that name!
4) Inception. A good movie. A well-made movie. A phenomenal cast. That's it. The world is a-buzz with praise for the most mind-blowing epic of this century. Uh, really? I honestly walked out of the theater completely satisfied, with no questions. Everyone else I was with was still trying to "figure it out". That's what baffled me. It's got some complexity to it, but you watched it all play out, right? What's the question? I had (and still have) no intention to see it again, not even in the dollar theater. It was good, but my point is not that good. I guess I get annoyed when large groups of people get overly-excited over something silly.
And so there you have it. Some of my really quirky dislikes. I've been meaning to blog this out for a long time. Can you tell?
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