I love this little house. It's hard to believe it's in town, it looks so snug and tucked away, you'd think you were out over the river and through the woods.
Yesterday, it snowed a lot. Today, it snowed even more.
I've decided that walking will be the way to get around. As confident as I am in my own winter driving skills, I have no control over the other people on the roads.
Let me tell you about my day. I went to the grocery store. The roads were slick, but I managed pretty well. I began the process of making Buttermilk pies (thanks to my aunt Cat for the recipe!). Mid-way into the mixing, I realize that I forgot to get lemon juice. I had to go back to the store. I braved the roads once more.
The pies turned out great! They could only have been better with home-made crust. I'm not even going to attempt that. I'm not that domestic.
I read a bit of Hunger Games (I'm loving it so far), did a bit of housework, and then thought I might venture out and catch a flik. So out I went. I'd seen the previews for Skyline and it looked intriguing enough. I went to watch it. I was the only person in the theater ...until the previews started. A late-comer came into the theater with a large popcorn and soda. He looked for a place to sit. He had his choice of hundreds of seats. He chose a seat one away from me. He started to chat with me. He offered me some popcorn. I politely declined. I was thinking, what in the world?
Not only am I a little taken back by the casual notions of friendship from a stranger, but anyone who knows me know that movie time is movie time. It's not chat or play or anything else time. I didn't want to seem anti-social, but who
was this guy? Who knows. I'll leave it at that.
Oh, and the movie was dumb. I especially hated the ending. Totally unbelievable and stupid.
When I emerged from the theater with my "friend", I could see that a full-on blizzard was underway. This snow was the big sparkly clusters of flakes, the kind of snow that catches the glimmer of light and sparkles as you pass by. It's actually a very pretty scene, until you get on the road. I made it home safe, but I will say this: driving in the snow makes me more anxious than anything else on earth. Part of that may be that I still have lingering memories of a hellish 21-hour trip two years ago.
Now I'm in the mood for getting warm, kicking back, and maybe playing some Halo. And then maybe some more Hunger Games. And then bed. (These were pictures from last night)