There's no better picture to depict the scene outside my door right now. Okay, so there aren't any horses or sleighs, but other than that, it's a perfect likeness.
We're in the middle of one of those storms that's determined to keep snowing. I keep looking out the window to see if it might have stopped, and so far, it hasn't.
So what's a guy to do? Well, he can blog about it. And then he could get bundled up and take a walk out in it, pondering the words of Frost's poetry. He could return home to thaw out to a cup of his sister's home-made cocoa mix. He could watch a festive movie as well since, although it's not quite time for it, the weather is twisting my arm.
Today, our ward was in charge of providing a sacrament meeting service for the residents of the local assisted-living home. What a neat experience. You could sense the grateful attitude of the people there. They were so glad to have a sacrament meeting and to have some folks come visit with them afterward. It felt great to visit with them. It made this cold day seem that much warmer.
I spent some of my weekend at the movies. I saw Unstoppable and, you guessed it -the new Harry Potter movie. I loved them both. I really want to see Morning Glory and Skyline. Maybe this week.
I can't believe how fast the end of the semester is coming. I've decided to get a head-start on a few things before the inevitable load drops on me like the falling snow. I'll start packing up some of the stuff I won't need in the next few weeks. I'll review my Calculus in preparation for the final exam. I'll work on some other class projects. I'll get the Dart ready for the big trip back home. I get excited and nervous all at the same time thinking of that: excited because I'll be home for Christmas, nervous because I'm witnessing again, first-hand, the Idaho weather's potential for icing things up. I suppose I can pack the car and play it safe, find a place to stay for a night or two if I have to until the roads are good. Let's just hope that I won't have to and that the roads are good enough for long enough to let me leave. I shudder at the thought of another trip like the December of 2008.
Are you all ready for Thanksgiving? I am. I'll be spending it with my Communication teacher's family. I'll be calling home that afternoon. I can't wait!
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