Here they are. Our bathrooms. In all their resplendent bareness. There are 2 in our apartment, side by side. 3 roommates to each bathroom (not all at once, mind you). Can you guess which one is mine? The top one is a certifiable health hazard. Notice the box from the soap bar in the shower. I don't quite understand why, but somebody leaves their bar of soap in the box and put it in the shower just like that. And the used soap goes in the soggy cardboard box. Why not lay out a welcome mat and heat lamp for your bacteria colony. It's almost as inviting as the soggy cardboard. What I want to know is how they can bring themself to use that bar of soap. Have fun rubbing your microscopic buddies all over your naked body. I'll pass.
The first bathroom hasn't been cleaned once this semester. I was embarrassed to have the maintenance man come over to fix the leaky faucet in the tub a few weeks back, but then, I was too afraid to venture in there and attempt to clean it.
And some people take a shower in there on a daily basis. They are braver (or dumber?) than I.
Clean checks are coming fast, and one of them boys are gonna have to tackle that beast. They may want to borrow a biohazard suit from the chemistry department.
Dude. That is sick. Unfortunately, girl bathrooms are not much better!
Oh, potties! Lacy would love this post! Sitting on the potty is all she wants to do. Too bad she isn't actually going potty, but we all start somewhere.
I am sorry to say my dear friend but that is nothing! I can tell you stories that would make you want to vomit! That is one thing that I do not miss about being single and having roommates. Give me a poopy diaper any day over nasty no good my momma didn't teach me nothing lazy butt roommates. Man just thinking about all my experiences with that makes me angry still. Good luck to you my friend. You could put plastic wrap on the toilet seat just to teach them a lesson:)just a thought.
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