I didn't think my semester was going to be so intense. I mean, 14 credits, nothing too hefty -well, there's Physics, and Technical writing. But other than that ... well, I guess the rest is just bulk -not too challenging, but pretty demanding. I'm also working for the Geology Department and serving as a Teaching Assistant to a class. And beginning two research projects for two different instructors. I'm having a blast, but feeling sort of stretched ("like butter scraped over too much bread").
I'm thinking I need a holiday. It's too early in the semester to feel this way! Oh, well. It's just school -right?
I don't think it's ever too early in a semester to feel that way!
Its a good thing that you are in school before you get 4 kids, a mortgage,and a job in the bishopric. I hate to sound like an aunt, but we look back and long for the carefree days of college. Its probably one of those the grass is greener on the other side or something.
Whenever I feel challenged or overwhelmed by school, I always think -life will never get easier, and it's just preparing me for things to come.
I heard in a talk once that an earlier apostle ( I don't recall which one) thought there should be a 14th Article of Faith stating that any "drone" bees should be kicked out of the hive. It looks like you'll get to stay, glad to have ya.
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