Since I don't have any early mornin' classes to get me rising early this semester, it's really easy to stay up pretty late. This past week, my average bed-time was 2:00am. Friday night, I got to watchin' that "Forensic Files" show, and couldn't stop. It was 3:40am before I went to bed.
I'll say it for you: "Good grief!" or if you prefer, "Mercy sakes!"
I've got to be better. I hate sleeping in and missing out on the morning hours. There are days when I love it, but it's not my preferred lifestyle.
Now a confession: I went with four friends to see Avatar in 3D in Idaho Falls on Saturday. We wanted the 6:40pm showing. We got to the theater at 6:40. The showing was sold out. The next showing was at 10:10pm.
I felt the disappointment of a little boy. My friends sensed it. We talked it over. The movie is 2 hours and 40 minutes long. That meant the movie wouldn't be over until about 1am. Curfew is at 12am, and the drive back to Rexburg takes 20 minutes. We wouldn't have to stretch curfew to watch the movie, we'd have to bust it with a sledge hammer. We took a vote. Two of us guiltily voted to go for it. The other three were persuaded by our willingness and jumped on board. We did it. And it was SOOOO worth it. I'm a curfew breaker. A sinner among sinners. It keeps me humble, it really does.
We bought our tickets and got our totally legit 3D glasses (which I kept).
To pass the time while we waited, we had dinner at Cafe Rio (Ohhhhhh, yeah) and then went to Barnes & Noble and browsed and browsed and browsed.

I got home at 1:40am, finally went to bed at 2:45, and woke up at 8:35 to get to church by 9:00am. The funny thing is, I got to church about 3 minutes before any of my roommates.
That's it for now. What a fun weekend. If you're thinking of seeing Avatar, do. It's among the most incredible movies I've seen in my life.
Can I add "HOLY COW" to that? Steven, have you forgotten everything your auntie Julie & I have taught you, early to bed, early to rise! You might as well come home & irrigate if your gonna keep those hours!
So glad you broke curfew to watch Avatar, you would've regreted missing it! Your such a rebel!
No, Seriously. Thank You for the snow man picture! :)
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