I'm reading four books right now. It's refreshing to have some time to read.
My sister Julianne gave me "Faith of a Scientist" for Christmas and I'm really loving it. Not only does it give some detail of Henry Eyring's life (the father of Henry B. Eyring and world renowned Chemist) but it shares his own insights about science and religion. It's so good.
The Book of Mormon makes life so much better. Sometimes I forget that principal. You could do like Alma said and "try the experiment". He was talking about faith, but it works for this principal too. If you're not so great at reading your scriptures, or if you only read a little or half-heartedly (like me most of the time), try devoting a certain amount of time each day to studying it. Start with fifteen minutes, or if you're already doing that, increase it by ten minutes or so. See what difference it makes in how you feel. I've noticed that difference throughout my life. It's nothing short of miraculous, and that just strengthens my faith in the fact that the book is the word of God.
The Hobbit is an old favorite. I've read it four times, this is the fifth. Such a good story that is much less complex than the Lord of the Rings. I love the feel of the story as Tolkien told it. It makes me want to go on an adventure with swords and ponies. OK, not really, but it does make me feel like hiking a mountain.
And yes, I'm reading Twilight. Curiosity got the best of me. So far, it's been pretty entertaining, but it is definitely a girl's book. One whole chapter was super sappy love stuff, and I had a hard time getting through that without rolling my eyes or laughing to myself.
Now you've got a little taste of what I do. Pretty danged exciting, huh?
Now -go. Go away! Read some books!
Your right about the Book of Mormon Steven, I don't know why it's so easy to get out of the habit of reading it, it's so helpful with EVERYTHING!
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