Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Day, A New Post, A New Blog

New beginnings are so refreshing. There are a lot of "news" in my life: new apartment, new roommates, new outlook on life, new goals, and even a new pair of channel-lock pliers (I've needed a pair for quite a while).

While adjustments are bound to come with change, it always turns out making life fresher than it was. I'm glad to be in Rexburg without the pressures that come with classes and homework. I catch myself grinning as I walk around, noticing with more attention the natural beauties around.

As for the new apartment, I'm not going to post my address on a public blog, so if ya need it -you know, like to send me boxes of sugar-free jello mix, just ask. And ye might receive.

New roommates: Preston -I've known him since summer of last year, he's one of the easiest guys to get along with and a great roommate advocate and problem solver. He never hesitates to tackle tough situations head-on in order to get to the heart of the problem so we can move past it. Some people don't like that. I really appreciate it.
Then there are 3 I don't know quite yet: Justin -from BC Canada (WHOO! CANADIAN! SWEET!) He's an RM. Tyler -from Layton, Utah. He's out with the ladies more than he's home. Yes, he's a Freshman. Then there's another Freshman, Zach -not seeming too talkative yet, but we'll see. He's from Murray, Utah.

Not that it means a whole lot to y'all who I'm rooming with, but I thought I'd plant some info. in your subconscious in case I mention them in future posts.

Oh, and I figured it was time to pack away the Christmas music on my blog (you're welcome) and to make a few other changes: the music won't start automatically, and yes that's a different background picture that I hope makes it easier to read the text on the page.

Goals: I'm scheduling my days. I've got an Excel spreadsheet all laid out, and all I have to do is fill in the blanks, then follow it. That's my goal. Of course, I'll be filling it with the things that need to be there, and aren't always -things like: scripture study (ouch), working out (I've done pretty good with that one, but being consistent would help a lot), and creative time (which I'll use for reading, writing, or practicing piano). I know that if I tell this to y'all, it will help motivate me with the follow-through. Make sense?

Being in Joseph City was so good for me. I mean, I got sick twice, and there were days that I never even left the house, but I needed that. I needed my Mom's smile and her fun personality. I needed to hear Dad's boots tromping in through the door. I needed to hear a few loud "Mercy sakes!" and "HANSENS!" when Dad picks up the phone. I needed to see my new little niece Kylie and my newest friends/fans 'Rarri and Casey (Chicken?). I needed to see the bright stars that shine through the night darkness of a small town. I needed the fresh dry Arizona air. I needed to laugh with siblings, friends, and family, and to watch a few good High School basketball games (GO WILDCATS!!! ICE). I needed Lacy to talk to me and amaze me with her wit, and I needed Trenton to amaze me with his voracious tenacity and even more voracious hunger. See, that's all the stuff I have missed out on for quite a while here at school. I agree with my friend Christie who let me ride with her home and back: "Why can't Idaho be closer?"

I never quite feel homesick, but I'll be goll-derned if I don't feel ten times better after spending just a few days back in Arizona.
It's so worth the drive.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Well, we here in Arizona sure do love when you come home to visit. I love to hear your dad say "Hansens!" too, he just has a way doesn't he? Like when he says "salsa", it's more like "zalza". Anyway, it was good to see you & spend time with you, it always is. We couldn't have the sing-a-long with out you!