I happen to know several people attending BYU Idaho, and several other people living in that state who, to this point are still living and breathing.
I could more easily understand the "cold weather is the devil" attitude if I had announce intentions to hike the banks of the Snake River into the Canadian Rockies. But I didn't. I'm going to be attending school. Our church, in a bold attempt to keep up with the conveniences of the modern age, has furnished the buildings of their institutions with heating and cooling! I know, I found it hard to believe myself. Here I was, all ready to sit through class in a heavy coat -still trying to figure out how I was going to work my graphing calculator while wearing mittens.
Furthermore, for those who may have forgotten, I spent 2 years as a missionary in Southern Alberta (for those of you yankees who don't know, this is the Canadian province NORTH of Idaho and Montana). I braved 2 winters there and came back to tell the tale. You might consider this before you begin with the lecture on the dangers of frostbite.
I might add that missionaries are exposed to more cold than most -they proselite on the street and walk most places. As a student, I'm sure the faculty will allow me to remain indoors during my studies during the winter session.
Yes, I have an ample coat. Yes, I know how cold it can get. And yes, I'm going to be just fine.
You might be singing a different tune when you're here!! :) BYU-Idaho is a walking campus and most of it is uphill. But you are right, you will survive! I have.
May you R.I.P. Just kidding! I'm sure you'll love it there! :)
People say those things to me also. Even the natives do. I have to add, however, that on Friday, I was standing in a parking lot with a returned missionary who served in Canada, and he commented to me that he noticed the chill of the evening....
Actually, it was on Monday. It's been a long old week!
On a scale of 1 to 10 (tenbeing the highest) what do I rate if I've been counting down the days until today -the day your trip gets over? We're all missing you.
As for the cold... I'll crochet you something stylish to wear around town. Can you put "crochet" and "stylish" in the same sentence?
I hope you settle in okay. Don't be suprised if your phone rings tonight and it's my number a'callin'. We've all been wondering how you're doing.
ten space being. I meant to space between then and being. I just woke up from my afternoon nap, and I'm still hazy. Just... don't judge okay?
See my other mistake? Of course you do. I give up. I'm heartily ashamed of myself.
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