It's not like I can't live without these things, but they sure make life nice, and in the case of the jeans, modest. I had just arrived at the point of "oh, well. There goes more of my stuff lost to my stupidity and disorganization. Guess I'll just go buy some more to replace it" when, to my astonishment, the items were found!
I had left the jeans in a stack, neatly folded in the bedroom of the apartment I just moved out of, and I found the CD in the bag I normally use for schoolbooks. This was joyous news. I can now move forward without the nagging feeling of, "I wonder where I put...." and "where could it be?".
I know where my stuff is, and I'm gonna take care of it.
Did I mention I'm moving again at the end of this week?
Moving will be considerably less-stressful because of the amount of stuff I got rid of at the yard sale my sister and I had on Saturday. We made quite a bit -especially for having just thrown the stuff together sort of last-minute. With the stuff that didn't sale, I put a bit of it back into storage, and the rest went to the "First Step Workshop" thrift store. It feels so good to let go of all the stuff that's been with me for so long for no good reason.
I can now start fresh.
I'm so glad you found your stuff. Although, it might have been funny to see you break down and sob like a pregnant woman. You crack me up.
I would say, as far as the yard sale is concerned, that we came out on top. Which reminds me, I owe you $5. And I have your soy stuff.
And don't rap pregnant ladies for crying. It hurts our feelings. ;(
Don't worry. The mood swings will kick in and we'll be right as rain in about 5 seconds.
I hate losing stuff! I'm so glad you found it .. . especially Jack Johnson!
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