I've come to the conclusion that soda drinks are the syrup on Satan's pancake stack. They're evil! They taste so cool and refreshing -especially on a hot August day in Arizona's heat, but they never fail to sabotage my body's endurance levels. I can see it best when I try any sort of cardio work-out; I set out to really push myself, keeping a good pace to the end, and really work it. But despite my glimmering intentions, my "jog" turns into an "oh, my gosh" and then an "I'll just take a breather" and finally, a "walk".
I'm not altogether banning the stuff -I mean, what's Christmas dinner without a glass of Martinelli's? But I'm not going to let myself slide back into the habitual imbibing.
For those of you who disagree with my stance, I recommend the old BYU movie "Uncle Ben". It will teach you the evils of "the drink". Or was that alcohol...?
Let it be known that, from this day forward, I Steven Hansen will abstain from binge-drinking of all carbonated beverages.
I'm serious!
Just think about how much money you'll be saving if you quit drinking that hard stuff. Picture yourself at the Olive Garden. The waiter asks what you would like to drink. Force yourself to think of the bill you'll get at the end of your meal and you'll have no trouble at all saying, "Water with a lemon slice, thanks."
Works for me.
Or you could vow that everytime you drink a soda you have to do something you hate. Like... like... eat an entire can of mushrooms. Ha! Ha ha!
Sink me, the lady's a genius.
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