As per my sister's request, here's Bryce. This is the only picture I've got at the moment (yes, from my phone).
Last night, we were at my friend/next-door neighbor Preston's house playing rock-band. Bryce was on the microphone. I'll never be able to listen to "Spirit in the Sky" again without the mental image of Bryce tackling the lyrics like a white-boy gansta. I guess you'd have to be there. Try to imagine it.
I'll have to try and remember to post an English paper Bryce wrote about dating. He created as many metaphors as he possibly could to keep readers interested. The result is pretty hilarious. Can't wait to share it.
Dear Estevan,
Please don't keep us waiting for this paper long. I am deeply interested already.
Yours Truly,
Mary Ann
I love "Spirit In the Sky". I love it even more when Will Ferrel sings it. Superstar!
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