The world has been cloaked in concern. It's big in world headlines. World leaders address the topic. This is no laughing matter. It's SWINE FLU.
I don't keep intrinsically informed about such issues, and I don't pretend to be a current-events expert. Let's face it; my degree is concerned with events that happened deep in the past. But I still consider myself to be a concerned citizen, and I feel obliged to be current on major events around me.
So, imagine my surprise when I learned this week that the notorious and infectious "Swine Flu" has absolutely nothing to do with pigs.
So, why on earth is it called swine flu?
The dreaded "Bird Flu" that caused global uproar a few years back? Yeah, it was spread by birds. Whoever named that one, good call.
Mad cow? Yeah -it's all about beef.
It's all logical. The naming of diseases people thought it through.
So where'd the piggy reference come from? I need to visit the office of the disease naming folks.
Was the board on a retreat the day the outbreak was announced, leaving the receptionist there to handle things? Was she a hard-core Muppets fan? Did she have a grudge against everything bacon-flavored (due to some mishap with salad toppings and her favorite blouse)?
Your guess is as good as mine.
I've looked over the symptoms, and it doesn't sound particularly swine-ish. I mean, sure -the infected person is obviously bed-ridden and unable to tidy up or worry much about hygeine, but that's no reason to call names.
Maybe there's a political strategy behind the name. A name like "Black Death" incites more panic than a power-outage on Super-Bowl Sunday. They don't want a panic. So they order a "level sub-zero panic factor" nomenclature. "Swine Flu". Because who can take a pig seriously? It's perfect.
You slaughter me. That was awesome!!
If I were diagnosing patients with "swine flu" I would look for symptoms like smelly, messy, has total disregard for how ones filth effects those around them & one who is unaware of the whole idea behind deordorant.In which case there really would be an epidemic! Maybe the whole thing started with someone who actually has these these symptoms & they didn't want to mention any names, so blame it on the pig.
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