Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm doing the unspeakable and not adding a picture with this post. But that allows for more contemplative writing, so we're goin' for it.

I've got a lot to share this time (surprise, surprise). I've been in Orem since Sunday night for a Geological Society of America regional conference. During that time, I've collected my thoughts.

I actually took a pen and wrote out a list of topics for this post on my hand. So if I eventually die from the effects of ink poisoning, I can take comfort in the fact that I was doing it for my loyal readers. (Such a martyr to the cause)

Here's the list:
Café Rio
The Fray

First, Café Rio. My once roommate, good friend Rex came and picked me up last night for dinner at Café Rio. That place is definitely top 3 in my all-time favorites list. If you haven't eaten there, do your tastebuds a favor and go immediately. Ok, that's a bit extreme. But keep it in mind next time you're near one. Those who have been, you know what I'm talkin' about.

The Fray. Do you ever seem out of the loop in some area? Everybody's way into something, and you've only really heard about it in passing? Well, that's me with The Fray. I mean, I've heard some of their stuff, and I really like what I've heard, but I've never really gone and listened to their stuff. People think I'm some sort of Martian or cave-man when I don't know some song is by The Fray. Maybe I am. But here's the deal: I'm going to look into it. Not because of social pressure, but because I had the desire to before everybody told me I should. And, oddly enough, my buddy Bryce told me about The Fray in concert in late July down in Utah and I'm thinking I want to go. Maybe...

Lemonade. Doesn't the sound just make your mouth pucker with delight and make you want to spend a sunny afternoon in a hamock with a good book? Maybe it's just me...
But lemonade at restaurant fountains never really quite meets my expectations. I'm always choosing it because it's the "non-carbonated" option that my body has been perscribed by Dr. Inn Ann DeCovenants. Ok, that was really cheesy, and not really doctrinally sound, but it's wise for me to live by that rule. Word.
So since I'm frequently drinking the stuff, I find myself contemplating the flavor and where it could use some improvement. Here is what I've found: It's very concentrated. I'm always thinking it wouldn't hurt to water it down a bit. It seems almost obvious when, after you've finished drinking a cup-full, you find yourself more thirsty than before. So I cheat. I fill the cup about a quarter of the way up with water and then fill the rest with Lemonade. Stir, stir, stir, and what do you get? Lemon refreshment blissfulness. Well, maybe not quite that. But I've found it to be much more delightful when it's a little more dilute. Don't take my word for it.

Physics. I hate even typing the word. I normally don't complain about school. I love learning. But folks, I'm having the feelings of dread I felt all the way back in high school returning. I had almost forgotten how much I hate Physics! (Sorry, let me rant for a minute, then we'll return to the previously scheduled post)
Physics is an important element in science, I'll admit it. But I don't want to be the one doing it! Have you ever had a lab that required you to toss a penny over and over and do calculations about it? Who came up with this stuff? It sounds like activity day at the mental health institution! Maybe I'd like it better in a real-world application setting. Give me something with rocks. Let me look them over, touch them, get a feel for them. Then we'll talk about application. Because who wants to sit in a classroom with a calculator figuring acceleration of a mailbag dropped out of a helicopter? I don't know a single person in the class going into the postal service. And even if they do, I'm quite certain they won't be using any helicopters. Give me a real-life science. Give me some geology.

Now, BOLT. Last night, I watched it for the first time. I've found a new favorite. I normally don't really like dog movies. Or computer animated kid flix. But this one surpassed all my expectations and had me laughing from the start. I loved it! I can't wait to watch it with my friends and family.

Well, that does it. My list of topics has been covered, and I feel satisfied. Now I can go to bed with the satisfaction of knowing that my blog-work is complete ...for now.

I'll be heading in for part 2 of my root canal operation tomorrow afternoon. That means more laughing gas. I knew there was something good to be found in the midst of all that agony!

I just noticed my title for this post -It was in reference to my trip to Orem, but I guess it fits well with the laughing gas too! I love it when that happens!


Alicia said...

I've been wanting to watch "Bolt" for a while, but everytime I go to rent it, Lacy falls asleep, and I want to watch it with her.

Good luck with Root Canal Part II.

Glad to hear you made it back from your trip okay.

Alona said...

Whenever I'm in UT, Cafe Rio is my first stop! I love that place so much that I have been known to buy extra burritos, freeze them, and pack them in my suitcase in a little insulated lunch box! I'm crazy!

Cat said...

Hey Steven, I've always appreciated the way you do things on your terms. It's a very "Hansen" trait.