Earlier yesterday afternoon, the nerves in one of my lower molar teeth started to throb. There was no rhyme or reason to the sudden onset of pain, it just started. It got really intense, lasted for about seven minutes, then faded. About 2 hours later, it came back for about the same amount of time. Later in the evening, the interval shortened to about every 30 minutes. And that's when I knew I was in for a beastly night. The pain interval increased to a recurrance of about every 3 to 5 minutes, while the duration narrowed down to 1 to 2 minutes. That meant that sleep was out of the question. I did something I haven't done in years. I watched Phantom of the Opera. I figured, there's a dude who's got it rough. Maybe it will make me feel better. It did. For a bit. After the first half, I lost focus. The pain was winning.
However, I did discover a rapid method of making the pain subside: a sip of cold water. So, my green cup has been my constant companion through the long night, and the toilet my most frequented friend.
So what's the problem? I had this tooth worked on over the Christmas Break. The filling had fractured and had fallen out, so my dentist (also my uncle) went in and re-filled it. He said I had a 50/50 chance that they got all the decay, and they couldn't drill any more than they already had. If they hadn't got it all, he said that I may need to get a root canal. Well, the tooth is speaking up, and I'm not ignoring it.
And so, on that note, I'm going to rise and shine, seize the day, and see if I can't get an appointment to see a dentist.
Life, I'm going to put you on hold. All our lines are currently busy with a very unhappy tooth! Ugh.
Anyone know how much a root canal is gonna cost me?
A root canal (and subsequent crown) can take 2 to 3 visits and Mucho Dolores (ok, that joke is funnier spoken and not written) It's a play on words, dollars and pain are close enough spoken to pull it off. It's probably worth a quick trip to JC though, if Uncle/Dr. Bubba offers any sort of nephew discount.
Sorry for the pain and lack of sleep.
Hey Steven, I bet if you could come home for a day or two Doyle wouldn't mind stepping out of retirement for a minute or two. He sure helped Julie & I out when Justin's pet rabbit had an elongated tooth. He grabbed the pliers out of the back of his truck & just snapped that tooth right off. He didn't charge us a thing.
Ha ha! Cat's story is hilarious!
I don't know what it costs, but I'm willing to bet that our aunts have the right idea: book it home, son. Grandma's got fruitcake with your name on it in her freezer.
Let me know what I can do to help out.
Oh Steve! That's terrible! Jedd and Chauncey mentioned you had a toothache so you couldn't come to the bonfire. Let me tell you, you were sorely missed. Good luck at the dentist!!! If you need ice-cream, let me know. After all, what else are "mothers" for?
I just had one, that's not even finished yet and the root canal is like 700 and then the crown in over 1000(those are just estimates that I remember, but that could've been after insurance too...). But maybe that's just the dentist here... Pretty much, denists suck! (no offence to Clarence or Doyle...)
Devoted and concerned readers: I pen the following under the influence of numbing agents. Thank you for you kind words. Aunt Julie, I think the dolares is the more painful part of the procedure. Thankfully, I found a dentist in town who's a good $200 cheaper than the rest. And he's dang good and quick.
2 shots to the gum, one to the nerve ending, and lots of laughing gas later, I'm feeling as content as anything and so ready for a long, long nap. I've also got a perscription for pain meds. But being a Hansen, I'm laughing at that. Could it be the gas?
Cat: I'm still tripping on laughing gas. If Uncle Doyle can promise me laughing gas, I'm all for it. But I don't think my chompers were made to be "trimmed". Oh well.
That's part 1 down. I go back on Thursday for them to finish the job. Pray for me!
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