Wednesday, May 27, 2009


My sister (you know the one I'm talkin' about) will send me these little "fill this out about yourself so your friends can read it and laugh" things now and then. I usually read her answers, enjoy it, and then laugh at the "you have been tagged" part, as I have no intention of taking orders from my email. (Unless it's my boss!)

But this one caught my interest. It took me a few days, but I finally finished it. She and I had some similar answers, so I left hers there with my two cents following it in parentheses. I wasted a lot of time on this (and I modified the "rules"). Enjoy!

Rules: If you're not cheated out of at least 30 minutes of your day for completing this, you did it wrong and you'll need to delete your answers and try again. Use a number 2 pencil to complete the rough draft on a seperate piece of paper, then mail it to yourself so you can proof-read it without the bias of your "I think it's perfect/just drafted" state-of-mind. You should get at least one paper cut in the process for extra points, then proceed to fill in the actuall answers electronically. Don't forget spell-check. Have fun!

-What is your salad dressing of choice? Any type of vinegarette or honey mustard

-What is your favorite sit down restaurant? Cracker Barrel. (agreed) and Café Rio.

-What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Wendy's. They have a dollar menu with chili on it. And they have frosties. My oh my. (Agreed! Except, now Frosties make me itchy! Can you sense my ire?)

-What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Right now, it's a toss-up between waffles and PB&J.

-What are your pizza toppings of choice? Everything but mushrooms ('cuz I hate them on pizza) and cheese ('cuz it makes me itchy)

-How many televisions are in your house? One. But we also have a projector and a nice, large white wall and surround sound. LOVE IT!

-What color cell phone do you have? Gret and metallic blue with some chrome.

-Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right. Wish I were ambi-dextrious like Grandpa Hansen.

-Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Wisdom teeth. No wonder I can't do physics. They removed my wisdom.

-What is the last heavy item you lifted? A porch swing, still in its case, prior to assembly. In boise, with bryce. i know i'm being lazy and not capitalizing. but that was hard work. i deserve a break.

-Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Don't think so. I'm a Hansen.

-If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No. That's dumb.

-If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't. It's awesome.

-How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? 2 (too.)

-Last person you talked to? Seth (my roommate)

-Last person you hugged? Bryce's family! His Mom (Lois), Bryce, Brenden, Kylynn, Delsey. They have a "family hug" after family prayer. I like it.

-Season? All of them, but I do favor summer.

-Holiday? Tough one -used to be Christmas. Now I think it's 4th of July or Halloween. OK, both.

-Day of the week? Sunday

-Month? Probably October. So much excitement in the chilly air. Football, fresh crisp apples, fall colors, ... Makes me want to go out and buy school supplies.

-Missing someone? YES! Joseph City! (the best thing are the people -ha ha)

-Mood? Hard A. I'm 'bout to go rock out with rock band.

What are you listening to? The "report" of my keyboard. As in, gunshot.

-Watching? the clock? Somebody didn't think these questions through. I mean, literally, I'm watching the computer screen!

-Worrying about? My online class

-First place you went this morning? To Zach's house in Boise, before leaving for Rexburg

-What's the last movie you saw? Mystery Men. SO dumb, and yet so worth the time.

-Do you smile often? It's my goal. I'm happy, I know it, I should show it.

-If you could change your eye color what would it be? Brown. I've always thought that brown eyes look deep and a little more mysterious than "blue" or "green".

-What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Blue coconut. LOVE IT
Do you own a digital camera? For sure. It's probably my #1 hobby and almost a neccesity in my major.

-What's on your wish list for your birthday? A night out with friends for dinner. (But I don't want Swiss water)

-Can you do pushups? Yeah, it's a work in progress though.

-Can you do a chin up? Maybe one. If my life depends on it.

-Does the future make you more nervous or excited? What the....? Doesn't it make everyone both? (agreed)

-Car wreck? 1. And then there was the time when I woke up to the car spinning out of control on the icy Idaho roadway. I wasn't driving.

-Do you have an accent? I'm picking up some local lingo. I've tried not to. But two words have crept into my vocabulary: fer (instead of for) and tuh (instead of to). I'm goin' tuh Broulim's fer groceries. Who wants tuh come? Maybe all Americans talk a little like this and it's just really accented in Rexburg area.

-When was the last time you cried? Hmmm. I'm having a hard time remembering. I guess that's a good thing. I guess pictures of Laynie's headstone got me teared up.

-Plans tonight? Yeah. Watching Mystery Men with my neighbor Preston. Should be fun.

-Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Of course. Glad I'm through that. I only wish that I knew at that moment that life would actually go on. Some things you can only learn by experience.

-Name 3 things you bought yesterday? A 5 dollar ft. long, chips, and a powerade.

-Have you ever been given roses? No. But that's not a fair "guy" question.

-Met someone who changed your life? Oh, please. What are we here for if nobody's ever met someone who changed their life? Good heck! Who wrote this? This should be in the "Bullcrapology" section. 'Cuz it stinks. I'll fix it. Someone who's changed your life: My aunt Minnie, in so many ways, I emulate her.

-How did you bring in the new year? I was in Flagstaff having a mini dance party in Perla's apartment.

-Name three people who might complete this: No comment.

-Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Nope. I like life's adventures. It's fun to look back, but going back would be pointless.

-Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? No.

-Does anyone love you? What a sad question! What if someone had to put down "No"? Blah!!! Of course I am loved! I'm loved so much that I can't even go potty without my fan club. (agreed. except for the potty part. I mean, I like my roommates, but...)

-What songs do you sing in the shower? "My Own Worst Enemy"

-Do you like to cuddle? Yeah, but I'm out of practice.

-Have you held hands with anyone today? Nope. Maybe I should make a goal out of that

-Who was the last person you took a picture of? Bryce while driving back from Boise

-Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Most are old, but this semester the new crop is really huge. (not a fat joke)

-Do you like pulpy orange juice? Yes and no. I think I like it without pulp better.

-What is something your friends make fun of you for? The fact that I can quote nearly any chick flik they know.

-Last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? Lat night.

-What were you doing 12 AM last night? Eating PB and J. Odd that those questions were listed together.

-What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I thought, Oh fizzle. It's already time to get up. I've got to get to the Romney building to set up that make-up mineral ID quiz for that one kid who missed it. And then I thought, I wonder what the weather's like. I'd also like to point out that this question isn't very specific. It should specify which awakening it's referring to. Like, "...when you woke up this morning".

She and I could really write a book about how dumb things are.

Afterthought: How strange that post 123 happened to be in the form of a list. I didn't plan that.

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