Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Great Day

Yesterday was an amazing day. I mean, sure -there were the not so fun parts to start out with (unbearable tooth pain, sleep deprivation, the financial stresses of dental procedures, ...) but it turned out to be a darn fine day. The weather was gorgeous, I had a nice LONG nap after my root canal operation (part 1), I rocked out on Rock Band for an hour with Bryce, and got to go to the Geology Society opening Social. I then finished the night with a little "menrichment" or "manly bonding". Me, Jedd, Quincy, Jeff, and Jedd's neighbor, John went and watched the new Star Trek movie. And it was amazing.
The photos with this post are of the Geology Society social. It was the best I've been to. And I got an award for "Outstanding Academic Performance". I'm not big on recognition, but that's gonna look nice on my résumé. I should list somewhere on my résumé that I know the "alt" code for typing the "é" as in "résumé.


Cat said...

I love the "Menrichment". I think that what I'm going to start calling hunting season from now on.

Steve said...

Good call. Though not affiliated with a church program, menrichment is an effective means of lifting your fellow brethren. No man should be without it.